
Hi, Beauties!

Have you come across the term ‘Productivity’...too often?

Do you know what it means? Well, imma tell you anyway :D

Being productive is the ability to creatively and efficiently use your time to give the best possible outcome/output.

Now, I know you really, really wanna be “PrOduCtiVE” but, it’s a PROCESS! To manage your workflow easily and work efficiently it is important to PLAN. It’s the key to success. So, plan your day by blocking your time. If you want to study for one hour, Block that time, and use that time to just study, no watching Instagram, no snacking, and most importantly no listening to songs! 

Google calendar is an amazing place where you can practice time blocking in a simplistic and organized manner. 

They say time flies, it really does! Work on yourself, your habits, and your routine

Make your notes PRETTY. Yes, notes do matter even if you are not submitting them. You make notes for your reference and revision. It is important to stay organized and keep your notes neat will benefit you when you have to refer to them in class or before an exam.

Before we end this post, we would like to read a poem to you, it's named- A day in the life of me

It’s a wonderful day

I shall enjoy the breeze and just lay

Because for the day I don’t pay

I shall pray that every day shall be this way

I wish this feeling doesn’t go away

I will remember today, 

Forever it will replay!

Remember to enjoy every moment!

We’ll catch ya in the next one ;)

Thanks and Regards, 

Glamorous Scout!


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