
Showing posts from September, 2021

Things to do when bored

Hey, y'all! Are you done finishing your tasks, done with your chores, and have tried every 5-minute crafts hack to waste your time hoping it passes by soon? Do you get bored easily? We gotcha! Getting bored is something that everyone feels. And sometimes it is good to be bored. Sounds strange? Well, it’s because when we get bored, we do not have anything to do and then when we have an idea, we’re all ready to work towards it! Boredom is marked by an empty feeling, as well as a sense of frustration with that emptiness. When you're bored, you may have a limited attention span and lack interest in what's happening around you. You may feel apathetic, fatigued, nervous, or jittery. But here we bring out awesome ideas to do when feeling bored. Make a bucket list Making bucket lists helps you to identify your aim for the future, remember your goals, get creative, enjoy life, and keep track of events. When you make a list of all the things you'd like to do, you have a feeling o

How to stop procrastinating

  Hellos,  It's Friday afternoon and the clock is ticking. You're working furiously to complete a task before the five o'clock deadline, while silently cursing yourself for not starting it sooner.  How did this happen? What went wrong? Why did you lose your focus? Well, do you see yourself spending hours re-reading emails and constantly checking social media, the excessive "preparation," the endless coffee breaks, and the time spent on other tasks that you could have safely left for next week? Sounds familiar? If yes, you're not alone! Procrastination in simple words is the act of delaying or postponing something intentionally. It happens sometimes, that you are mentally too stressed to complete all your tasks or you aren't just in the mood to work. We gotcha! We are here to help, so you always have your tasks done on time or at least never give up on finishing them.  1- Recognize Procrastination Do you know why we tend to procrastinate? It's because w

Ways to enhance online learning

Hello there! Now yes, we do know that many people may have talked about this but, we hope we can still help you.  Online learning has been tough but, I guess we have adapted to the online environment, struggling but working for a year or two. There are just so many issues that we face but, we never gave up. We appreciate all those teachers who bought new learning techniques into the picture and found innovative ways for easy learning for us students. We also would like to applaud those students who have tirelessly worked hard to adapt to an online platform that was alien to them, to stay indoors, and to bear with the teachers and internet issues.  Listed below are some ways to enhance online learning for a better experience online. We hope we can help you in this journey of yours.  * Eliminate distraction You must have no sources of distraction because during online learning it has become much easier to get distracted. Common distractions can be any social media sites, chatting platfor

Ways to cheer up when feeling low

Hello! Hope you are doing well! Today's blog will be about how can you cheer up yourself when feeling low. Feeling low is something that everyone feels and it's natural so there is nothing to be worried about! Here are some awesome tips which will help you feel better and freshened up! 1) Listen to some upbeat/calm music: Listening to upbeat music can actually improve your mood. It makes you feel fresh and always keeps you awake. It is proved that the people who do not listen to music mostly remain sleepy. Not even simple work. On the other hand, people who always listen to music are not at all lazy and especially their mood is totally good! 2)  Give someone a hug: Hugs can change negative moods by helping the body and brain and boosting these feel-good hormones. Hugging makes you feel good and creates a special bonding with that person. It is good to hug someone so that your mood is always good and you feel calm.  3) Have some chocolate: Chocolates are sweet and that yummy tas